Saturday, May 22, 2010

CW Finales

Since every show is coming to a close for the summer, finales are getting more and more juicier. Now I don't love everything the CW produces but I do, however, like 90210 and the occasional Gossip Girl. I haven't really been keeping up with the episodes every week but with the help of Yidio, I am able to see every episode. And with that being said I think that the finales have been more over the top than any finale I have ever seen. With 90210 it was confessing murder, boy jealousy, boats on fire, boys beating up the crippled, Australia dreams being shattered, and rape. Also again with Gossip Girl a pregnancy, (that being said) a new baby, a move to a new school, breakups, and a shooting. It seems as if the CW is really trying to bring drama to a whole new level.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

First Post!

Welcome to my blog! Where I talk about my latest TV/Movie obsessions and pretend to be an Entertainment Weekly journalist.